Spherical Structure-from-Motion in C++
Code for our papers:
Baker, L., S. Mills, S. Zollmann, and J. Ventura, “CasualStereo: Casual Capture of Stereo Panoramas with Spherical Structure-from-Motion”, IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), 2020.
Ventura, J., “Structure from Motion on a Sphere”, European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2016.
mkdir build ;
cd build ;
cmake .. ;
make -j8 ;
The panorama stitcher app is disabled by default, since it requires CUDA which may not be available on all machines. To enable it:
mkdir build ;
cd build ;
make -j8 ;
If your images have radial distortion, first undistort them using:
undistort_images -intrinsics <path to intrinsics with distortion> -intrinsicsout <path for output intrinsics file> -video <path to video> -output <path ot folder for undistorted images> -rotate <rotation>
The “rotate” parameter is the number of clockwise 90 degree rotations to apply (useful for iPhone videos, for example).
To run the spherical structure-from-motion pipeline:
run_spherical_sfm -intrinsics <path to intrinsics> -video <path to video> -output <path to output>
The video path can be an image filename specifier such as %06d.png. The intrinsics file should contain the focal length, center x, and center y separated by spaces.
To make the stereo panoramas:
make_stereo_panorama -intrinsics <path to intrinsics> -video <path to video> -output <path to output>
You can view these example panoramas in a WebVR-compatible browser or headset.